Tulips on Parade

Happy Sunday, friends! πŸ’š

Bluebird and Tulips watercolor

Bluebird and Tulips – 9 x 12 inch watercolor

I recently painted a vase full of pretty tulips and a sweet little bluebird. I always love painting flowers and birds. 😊

single red tulip watercolor

Red Tulip – 7 x 10 inch watercolor

I also painted a single red tulip in my sketchbook. This simple tulip makes me happy. I can feel the movement of the leaves and love that bold red color.

I hope you are inspired to create art and do more of what you love. Until next time, share a smile and stay excellent!

.🌸 Patty Anne 🌸.

Join me on Instagram @pattyanneart

Quiet Thursday – Bluebird

A sweet little Bluebird watercolor your way today. πŸ™‚

Happy Thursday!


Bluebird watercolor painting

I hope this little Bluebird brightens your day. ❀

Thank you for stopping by and following along. Until next time, share a smile and sprinkle kindness all around.

Happy Painting!

Patty Anne

follow PattyAnneArt on Instagram



A few more Bluebirds

A few more Bluebird paintings and photos to share with you today.

Happy Sunday! πŸ™‚

Bluebird watercolor
Bluebird on a branch

Bluebird watercolor 7×10 inch

Playing around with a splashy background and bright colors. I added some white highlights with a gel pen once the painting was dry. I like how that worked out.


male bluebird photo

Well, hello there! I love that sweet little face.

I was lucky to get a few more Bluebird photos in the backyard.

Male bluebird photo

I noticed a few Bluebirds out back and I quickly grabbed my camera. I quietly stepped outside and snapped a few shots. There were a few males perched on the fence trying to impress a nearby female. I’m not sure how that worked out for the guys, but they certainly won me over with those bright blue feathers. ❀


Bluebird on a fence post
Bluebird on a fence post

This Bluebird was inspired by my photo above. I’m very happy with the bright blue I was able to achieve for the feathers. It’s not the same as in the photo, but that’s ok by me.

I hope you enjoy seeing my work and are inspired to create art and do something you love. Thank you for stopping by and following me on this creative journey.

Until next time, have a great week. πŸ™‚

Happy Painting!

Patty Anne

PattyAnneArt on Instagram


Backyard Bluebird

This little bluebird stopped by for a visit recently.Β  Luckily I had my new camera in handΒ  when this little guy arrived. I did my best to contain my excitement long enough to snap a few pics of him. πŸ™‚

Backyard Bluebird
Backyard Bluebird


I thought it would be fun to try painting my bluebird. I started with a light pencil sketch first, and then moved on to the eye and beak making sure to get the placement and details correct.

Bluebird watercolor
Bluebird watercolor

While working on the feathers, I like to dampen a small area of the paper with a little clean water.Β  Then I drop in a little paint and let the colors move and mingle. A gentle touch with a small brush seems to work well for painting the feathers on a small bird like this one.

I decided to try something a little different for the background and create a frame of color around my bird. It has taken a lot of painting for me to get comfortable trying different backgrounds. There are still times when I have to push worry out of the way and just go for it.

Tip – how to flatten your watercolor painting if the paper curls up or has buckled
After you have finished your painting and it is completely dry, you can flatten it by lightly wetting the back side of the paper with clean water and then setting a heavy book or two on top of it until it dries completely.

I hope you enjoy seeing my work and are inspired to create art and do something you love. Thank you for stopping by and following along. Until next time, have a great week! πŸ™‚ ❀

Happy Painting!

Patty Anne

