Happy Thanksgiving

I have a few favorites to share with you today.  😊

Hope you have a wonderful day, friends! 💚

Peaceful view photograph

A favorite photo taken while in California a few months ago.

The view from my room was amazing.


willow watercolor painting

A favorite watercolor painting from last year that I wanted to share again.

Willows, loose and free. I just love these colors together.


chickadee watercolor

A sweet little chickadee that I painted earlier this year.

I hope you are inspired to create art and do more of what you love.

Until next time, share a smile and stay excellent!

Happy Thanksgiving!

🌸 Patty Anne  🌸

follow me on Instagram @pattyanneart

Merry Christmas

Wishing you peace, love, and joy this holiday season. 


Christmas candle watercolor

Thank you for all of the love and encouragement you’ve given me this year.


Holly and berries watercolor and ink

I will be taking a little blogging break and will be back in early January.

Now I’m off to baking cookies, wrapping presents, and getting ready for holiday parties.

See you next year! ❤️

Patty Anne

follow me on Instagram

Patty Anne Art

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving. 😊🦃


bleeding heart watercolor and ink

Bleeding heart  – 5 x 7 inch watercolor and ink (2016)

I hope you enjoy time with friends and family and have a wonderful holiday meal.


Patty Anne

follow me on Instagram

Patty Anne Art